
Closing and opening of Learning-Cycle

The exiting journey with OASIS Learning Village is coming to an end or to new cycle of Learning. After 18 months starting with prepartion with european partners and prepartion of participants, prepartion and building realionship with the community in Bad Gandersheim – to the training and action-learning journey based on the Oasis Game – closing…
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October 30, 2019 0

Oasis learning village – awakening our resourcefulness to live together.

Building on the blogs about learning to belief, cooperate and holding diversity, these are all only useful if we put it into action, manifest it into something tangible. This is where a lot of projects stop, from words into action we get stuck into limiting thoughts about where money should come from or how the…
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October 25, 2019 0

Power of Celebration

What must the passers-by in Bad Gandersheim have thought when a colorful group started to perform a Brazilian circle dance in the middle of the city on Saturday morning? When couples with blindfolded eyes appeared on the market square and touched the old church wall? One rarely saw so many young people here, and they…
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October 21, 2019 0

Potentials of OASIS process working with diversity

Generally, i see in the Oasis game a strong potential of working on the diversity, especially with people with a refugee background: The OASIS process create spaces where people can show their talents to people that they don’t know, it’s a very challenging step, but offer a possibility to appreciate diversity and to celebrate unicity…
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October 15, 2019 0

OASIS a action-learning journey

I exercise my appreciative gaze in my neighbourhood, looking at the things around me andtrying to discover beauty. It strikes me, as I didn’t notice some of the beauty before. Tree trunks, flowers, the sparkling of the river, even bridges hold beauty when you take the time to discover. The appreciate gaze is one of…
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October 14, 2019 0

How can we be together in diversity?

The second biggest learning we passed through was the need to learn to cooperate. The fact that this disbelief was slowly replaced by belief was through a strong experience of cooperation.

October 7, 2019 0

OASIS learning village – do we need village life to learn to live again?

Our assumption in applying it in a small-town village context was that we work with a context in which we could explore and experience more deeply the saying ‘it takes a village to raise a child’. This saying invites us all to be educators and responsible to create a positive environment for growth. Although it speaks of a child, my conviction is that the child represents us all here. Although the program took place in an actual village setting, what really came through to me was that ‘it takes a village life approach, to raise us all’.

September 27, 2019 0

Dreams?! Stepping out of the comfort zone

Today is day 3. We have been out to the community before, we have walked the streets of Bad Gandersheim blindfolded yet hearing, smelling and feeling this pretty town, we have talked to total strangers out on these streets. We found many beauties, made connections and had challenging conversations as well. But today it’s different.…
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September 15, 2019 0

Review: Oasis Learning Village

From dream to reality on two weekends, this challenge was presented to the residents of Bad Gandersheim in Germany and guests from 6 EU countries. Many said the first it is not possible – and were quite surprised what power arises when many people of different origins and ages tackle a common challenge. The Oasis…
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July 1, 2019 0

CEAL selected as “success story” by EU panel of experts

The Erasmus + project CEAL – “Community of Entrepreneurs – Action Learning Program” has been selected as a “success story” by a panel of experts from the Directorate-General for Education, Youth, Sport and Culture of the European Commission. “Success stories” are finalised projects that have distinguished themselves by their impact, contribution to policy-making, innovative results…
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September 20, 2018 0